
A Full Weekend

This weekend was packed with fun!  Matt got off Friday for the Comal County Fair, so we went to the parade in the morning and then the fair that night.  Emma loved the animals! Saturday started the project of taking apart the kitchen and re-staining all of the cabinets.  It was a lot of work and really messy, but it is looking so great!  Thanks to Jens parents for coming and helping.  We still have more work to do, but it is coming along.  Emma did great just playing outside a 
lot and taking long naps so that we could work
 hard.  Here are a few pics from the fair.


Week at the Lake

We just got back from a whole week at the lake house!  It was such a great week of playing and relaxing.  While we were there we celebrated four years of marriage, and Emma got in her fourth tooth!  We did swimming, boat rides, got some play time in with Pops and Susu, and made a lot of fun meals.  Emma also learned her love for dogs... looks like we will have to get a puppy?!?
Here are just a few pics from the week.

Happy Anniversary!

This past week we celebrated 4 great years of marriage!  It is so hard to believe that we have been married for that long.  They have been some great years.  We have grown so much and experienced a lot. We cannot wait to see what happens in the next four!  
To my husband: I love you more than I did the day we married, thank you for being a wonderful man!