Emma turned 16 months a few days ago and is just learning so much. I think her biggest learning has been in vocabulary.
I think her speaking vocab is around 30, some new ones are: belly, strawberry, girl, flower, eye, bite. No - they don't all sound perfect!
We have been working on animal noises a lot and it has been so cute, we need to get a video... she can do: elephant, dog, giraffe, lion, gorilla (does the fists on the chest), sheep, bear, duck, rooster, horse, cow, turkey (my fav by far, so cute)
And body parts that she knows: eyes, mouth, teeth, tongue, ears, toes, fingers, back, belly button, knees, and elbows (which is again, my fav watching her fold those arms and touch her elbows!)
Let's admit, she's pretty much genius :) or just a girl who likes to talk.
Also, we finally got a video of Emma walking. She has been getting more and more confident and it is just so cute. Yesterday she took a few steps backwards which was fun to watch her figure that out. So - not the best video, its hard to do it with just you and the kid, but you can get the point.