We had a great 2nd birthday celebrating our precious Emma -
we had a mini party with our park friends.

We love you Emma, you are growing and learning so much everyday. You are such a joy (98% of the time). I love hearing you sing and talk so much, you have the sweetest voice. You are really into knowing what everything is and chances are if I tell you, you will remember the next time you see it. You are such a good listener and are really learning how to obey right away. You notice that dad has to do school work a lot, and it is easy for you to convince him to come out and play. He is glad to only have a few more weeks left. You still love to read books and to be outside. Its hard to say no to you, especially when you put your little hands on my face and say "pink cooookie with bown spinkles pease". We cannot wait to see what you will learn tomorrow. Thanks for being such a joy, we are so blessed!
Happy 2nd birthday sweet Emma.