Emma girl turned 3 yesterday. Sometimes its hard to believe, and sometimes I think she has been more 3 than 2 for a while. She is such a girl, just growing and learning more everyday! I was trying to think of some new things she is doing - talks all the time! She loves making up stories and having stories told to her. She can tell a really interesting story too, she's got her letters down and we are working on the numbers. The other day she successfully counted her crayons to 18 before going to "wamteem, emmateem, hallieteem" and continued on making up numbers with all her friends and laughing at herself. She is loving her dance class, she sings the songs all the time and is so focused during class. She has such a tender heart and has a hard time understanding when people tell her "no" or do not share, etc. We have had great teaching times working on her actions and not worrying about what other people do, but its what Emma does that matters. She has an amazing memory and I can't wait to really hone in on that with teaching Bible verses, its incredible the books that she will "read" perfectly from memory. She would wear a dress and play in the dirt everyday if we let her, and I love that! She still takes about a 2 hr+ nap everyday, she is like her mom- we need our beauty rest and apparently she wants a bison for a pet (you can tell we live in the country). She definitely knows what she wants and can understand so much around her, even adult conversations, that it can make parenting a constant fun challenge but we would not change her for anyone else! So good for me to write these things down before we forget what are little 3 year old is like, what a blessing she is!
And two pictures to show what a different a year can make:
2 years old
3 years old