
It is well

But blessed are those who trust in the lord and have made the lord their hope and confidence. Jer.17.7

For 7 months we have lived as a family of 6.  We have worked and loved and weaved our lives together.  That face behind the heart has become one of ours and we are his family.  We have taken on the burden of his story and made it part of our own.  This week court has ordered that we begin a time of transitioning him to a family members home.  We are so happy for him to have someone who has stepped up and can give him a good place, a future and a loving family.  The reality of saying goodbye is quickly approaching.  For the last 7 months I have known he was safe because he was in our home.  I knew he was getting what was best for him.  I felt in control.  The reality of it is that we are not in control of any of our children's lives.  I must let go.  I have no choice with this one, I have to let him go and I have to trust that God loves him even more than I do.  Do I really trust God to hold his life dear.  When we are faced with that reality it is hard to always say yes God, I trust you.  So for now we take it one day at a time.  Today I will say yes to trusting my God with his life and with all of my children's lives.  Hold them close Jesus.  
God calls us to sacrifice.  In fostering we are called to love deeply, knowing we may loose those which we have come to love.  They are worth it.  This boy has known love while in our home.  Every child will know love that comes into these doors.  Christ loved, so we are called to love.  
Today I let go and will trust in Him and I will sing It is well.  It is well.  It is well.