
Month 10

You are 10 months old!  
This year is going by so quickly, we are about into summer camp and then it will be your birthday.  Its so hard to believe.  You have continued to learn and grow.  You now love to point, its the cutest thing ever.  You point when daddy walks in the door and sometimes you will say "Dada".  We are not totally sure you related it to him since you say that a lot, but Daddy wants to claim it as your first word.  You have so many other fun sounds you are learning as well, gotta learn to talk so that you can keep up with your big sis.  You have 5 teeth now, your new food this month is beans (which you love) and you have been walking while holding on to things.  You have grown to love your little sleeping friend who we like to call Tadbit and sometimes you will throw him out of the crib and wait hoping that we will come get him for you.  Sneaky.  But you are still a rock star at sleeping, after 1-2 times of throwing Tadbit out and me laying you back down you give up and go to sleep.  You have also learned how to push buttons on some of your toys, this little truck is one of your favorites and you get so excited to see that you made it play a song.  Its so fun watching you learn.
We could not love you more.

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